"Ask me about my Grandkid"
No one…and I mean NO ONE was more excited to get a grandchild than my mom was. And the excitement didn’t start when she found out my sister was pregnant. Nope. I can’t remember exactly when it started, but she had been preparing for years. She had drawers full of books, toys and clothes. A simple trip to Target always resulted in her getting something for her nonexistent grandchild. You would think she would only be pressuring my sister. She’s the oldest, married, had all the qualities to be perfect parent. But no. She started thinking I was the answer to her grandchild dream. Let’s think this through…at the time I was about 22…not married…just starting my ‘real’ job. I don’t think so Mary Ann. Thankfully, Gina took the pressure off when she announced that she was prego over a year ago. Now my mom has turned into a “Nonna” and has a sweet and giggly, blue eyed adventurer of a grandkid and she couldn’t be more thrilled. Finally she can use all that baby stuff she had been
saving up and made a little more room in her house. To be funny, and serious at the same time, I got her a mug that said “Ask me about my grandkid”. That pretty much sums up the way she feels about being a grandmother. She is so proud of that baby and couldn’t love it anymore than she already does. IN FACT, she wanted me to make a canvas for her, so I did. She loved the border of a the “Welcome to Our Home” canvas, so I just took that and reworked it with the wording she wanted, and there ya go. So now the pressure is off me…well, not entirely…she still asks when I’m having a kid…but at least I know my kid will have the best Nonna ever!
love it. beautiful. and your blog content is so well written. Yay!